
Showing posts from September, 2019

Growth Mindset and Motivation TIPR

Describe how your cooperating teacher teacher develops and promotes true growth mindset in his/her instruction, assessment, and/or procedures. Describe how the teacher and/or school motivate students. Give specific examples of both extrinsic motivators and how they are developing and promoting intrinsic motivation. Include information from specific motivational theories (e.g., Maslow's Hierarchy, Self-determination Theory) and cite specific examples. My cooperating teacher promotes growth mindset by centering instruction around succinct but specific writing techniques that we overtly tell students can be added to their "toolboxes" to become better writers. He activates intrinsic motivation by giving open-ended prompts that allows students to practice writing on something they are personally interested in. In terms of cognitive arousal, this can sometimes overstimulate them (topics such as a disastrous date or preferred superpower often turn into discussions with frie

Metacognition TIPR

Current Teacher Behaviors My cooperating teacher is a great planner and gives the students clear instructions and strategies on how to complete the task at hand. When presenting students with their summative assessment (writing a short personal narrative), he provided them with a list of 40 possible prompts they could draw from for ideas and then told them he wanted to see how they could present the situation in their own unique way through writing. In teaching things like action verbs and sensory details in micro-lessons, he's giving them the chance to monitor and evaluate for themselves how the story is taking shape and if their personal take on the story is coming through. By making the assignment about a personal story (fiction or non-fiction), he's making the foundation of the assignment declarative (something they already know a lot about) and is using the micro-lessons to build up their procedural and conditional knowledge. Student Needs The planning stage is so